Sunday, April 3, 2011

I am always tired and have heard that cylapril can help restore my body’s energy. Is this true?

Cylapril is bullshit, crap, and a fraudulent remedy for revitalizing your energy supplies.  You can eat it, shower with it, insert it as an enema or paste it on your skin- it will do jack shit. Cylapril consists of Pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin and many other bogus substances. If you are fatigued, the best advice is to see a doctor and have your body checked out. Sometimes it may be a simple case of low thyroid hormone. Cylapril is definitely not a recommended product. 

There is no data in the scientific literature that cylapril can do what the manufacturers claim. You have to take 3 pills a day for at least 3 months before you see any benefits. A month’s supply costs $50. There are no refunds and the only thing you will get out of it is disappointment.