Sunday, April 3, 2011

I am always tired and have heard that cylapril can help restore my body’s energy. Is this true?

Cylapril is bullshit, crap, and a fraudulent remedy for revitalizing your energy supplies.  You can eat it, shower with it, insert it as an enema or paste it on your skin- it will do jack shit. Cylapril consists of Pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin and many other bogus substances. If you are fatigued, the best advice is to see a doctor and have your body checked out. Sometimes it may be a simple case of low thyroid hormone. Cylapril is definitely not a recommended product. 

There is no data in the scientific literature that cylapril can do what the manufacturers claim. You have to take 3 pills a day for at least 3 months before you see any benefits. A month’s supply costs $50. There are no refunds and the only thing you will get out of it is disappointment.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My girl friend insists that I start to drink alkaline water from now on. Is there any benefit from this beverage?

The world of health and nutrition is full of charlatans who want to defraud consumers with crappy useless products. First, there was blue water, red water, gripe water, soda water, acai water, berry water, juice water, piss water and now we have alkaline water. Alkaline water is heavily marketed by the manufacturers with  outrageous claims. 

The alkaline water is claimed to neutralize all the acid in your body, kill bugs, increase energy, boost libido, help digestion and help you poop comfortably once a day. All this is a bunch of crap. There is no evidence that alkaline water can do this. If you want to live long and healthy, drink clean water not bottled in Japan. The only water that is safe is boiled water.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How do teeter hang up tables help people with back pain?

They do not – it is just a scam. The teeter inversion hang up tables basically allow you to stand yourself inside a circular divide and hang yourself with the head down. In the beginning you will feel flushed because of the increased blood circulation in your face and upper body. The manufacturers say that it is also a great way to relax. Best advice, give these stupid devices a rest and save your hard-earned money on food or rent. The field of back pain has many charlatans who offer you false promises but instead sell you junk devices. If you really want to try out an inversion table, just stand on your head for 5 minutes- if you like that feeling- then I guess you can buy one.

Should I buy an inversion table for my home? I have had back pain for many years.

Thousands of individuals have back pain and asides from taking pain medications; there is no other effective remedy. Now there are many types of inversion tables that are claimed to help ease the chronic lower back pain.
 It is even claimed that these machine increase blood flow to your body and joints. The teeter hang up tables are just more junk in your home- they do take up space and are expensive. Do you really think that you are going to come home after a long day’s work and hang yourself upside down for 1 solid hour each day? If you are not sure- try standing on your head for 10 minutes first and see if you like the feeling- teeter tables are for people who are gullible- or suckers.

I have been having back pain for many years and my physical therapist recommends that I buy an inversion table. Any thoughts?

Another fraud. Most health care professionals have started to join the medical device industry and develop equipments that are nothing more than junk. There are many types of inversion tables and the manufacturers of these devices claim that if you hang upside down or sideways then your back pain will disappear. This is bullshit. It is like saying that if you stand on your head, you will not be able to poop or pee. There are many causes of back pain and not all are due to compression of the nerve or prolapsed disc. So hanging upside down will not do you any good.

 If you do not believe me, go to a gym and try out an inversion table.  These devices are extremely uncomfortable, prohibitively expensive, take up space and do jackshit for your back. Most likely, the table will end up in your garage. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Botox sucks for migraine

All over the country, physicians have been injecting Botox for migraines. The only people who claim that Botox works for migraines are the doctors who inject it. The chief reason for this is most likely money. Botox injections for migraine are not reimbursed by Medicare or any health insurance- so it is a cash business.
Now finally there is evidence which shows that Botox sucks for migraine. A recent study from England revealed that Botox was no better than a sugar pill So far, only anecdotal reports exist that Botox works for migraine, but how it works remains a mystery. Experts say the most likely reason Botox worked for a few people is because these individuals never had migraine in the first place. After proper selection of migraine patients, no one benefited from the injections. In some case, Botox injections even made the migraine worse.  
Botox injections do not come cheap and can cost anywhere from $500-$800 per session and have to be repeated many times. Botox is great for wrinkles but there is little evidence that it can cure your migraine. Therefore, anyone who suggests Botox for migraines is simply trying to rip you off. Go tell them to P..S off.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Are there any clinical studies on MSM and back pain?

As far as clinical studies are concerned, there is very little scientific data on MSM. Except for a few animal studies there is little known about it. The only anecdotal data on MSM are made by the manufacturers and dealers. There is not a single individual who has come forward and revealed that his/her back pain, diabetes or arthritis has been cured with MSM.

With regard to MSM and back pain, there is zero evidence that it does anything. In fact the FDA has already warned dealers against making false claims about MSM. No one questions the fact that sulfur is needed by the body but the amounts needed are miniscule.

So for individuals seeking a miracle in MSM, you are going to be disappointed. For the moment, it is nothing more than a scam. And MSM does not come cheap. Ninety capsules cost anywhere from $15-$20 and you can add up the yearly cost. If you have back pain, go to a bona fide health care professional and seek a therapy which works. 

How long do I have to take MSM to get back pain relief?

The manufacturers of this substance indicate that a single dose of MSM is very rarely effective and the supplement must be taken for at least 21 days or even longer to show any response. In fact they recommend that the higher the dose the better. For back pain, they recommend long term MSM therapy.

The major constituent of MSM is sulfur. Because sulfur is deemed safe there are no restrictions on the recommended dietary allowance. Thus, the manufacturers claim that one can take as much MSM as one wants. This will result in no complications but whether you benefit from it is another story. So far, only people who got suckered into buying this crap had back pain relief but now these individuals have mental problems.

What are the chief ingredients in MSM for back pain?

MSM is widely sold in many health food stores, spas and is readily available over the internet. MSM is available as a capsule, tablet, gel, lotion or cream. It is known that MSM does contain sulfur but the other ingredients in the formulation remain unknown. Most of these MSM containing formulations are made in the Orient. Several health supplements from the orient have been known to be spiked with real pharmaceutical drugs and sometimes cardboard and dry wall- so  one can only imagine what else this crap contains.

Can you tell me a little about Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and whether it can relieve back pain

 Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is also known as methyl sulfone. This inert chemical compound is a break down product of dimethlylsulfoxide. MSM has been widely touted to cure arthritis and relieve back pain. The people who advocate this substance for its use in various arthritic conditions claim that it is a miracle product. It is claimed that MSM can cure many medical disorders including snoring, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, allergies, respiratory ailments and arthritis.

All over the internet, almost every seller of MSM makes claims that it can cure almost everything, including your pockets. In fact there is not a disorder that can not be cured with MSM. Some sellers on cyberspace claim that MSM can reverse hair loss, make gonads bigger, increase libido, heal varicose veins, diminish allergies, keep skin young, remove acne, diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, parasites, muscle cramps, migraine, and keep you looking young- and this is only a partial list of what MSM can do. Based on this information, any person with a tiny bit of common sense should be able to see that MSM is nothing but CRAP. For those who like crap, the recommended dose of MSM is 0.5-1 mg/kg per day.